Sunday, June 26, 2011

Even such a notoriously unbalanced extremist as Paul Barford - would have been a better and much wiser choice.

Disappointed by the news that Patty Gerstenblith has been appointed Chair of the CPAC, coin dealer Dave Welsh blogs:
Even such a notoriously unbalanced extremist as Paul Barford - would have been a better and much wiser choice
(That's the Dave Welsh who is notoriously unbalanced and extreme in his views himself). One problem, I'm not an Amerkin. He seems to be livid at President Obama's choice:
a dishonorable and unethical mockery of everything that the CPAC was originally established by Congress to accomplish...
(I thought it was set up to advise the President how best to help protect the cultural heritage. Wasn't it?)
This catastrophic and cynical appointment once again reveals the evil and unethical conspiracy through which the State Department manipulates and twists its administration of the CPAC and the 1983 CCIA. Stealth Fighter Maria Kouroupas, and her ideologically motivated gang of activists, have again shown that they are nothing more than mere unthinking tools and creatures of the AIA, the archaeology lobby and those foreign governments who yearn to exterminate the international antiquities trade. This malignant cancer gradually penetrating, pervading and corrupting the heart of our Government must be removed at any cost and at all hazards, or it will inevitably destroy everything we stand for and all that we hold dear - including what we think of as the American way of life.
Here's an interesting bit:
Bob Korver unquestionably paved the way for this immeasurable disaster by resigning, and must accept responsibility for what has happened and what will happen.
raising again the question, did he go or was he pushed?

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