Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Buffy declies to play the "issues" game: he has another one of his own

"Just seeing when you visited. posted by BUFFET, The Ham Pie Slayer at 13:21 on 30-Dec-2008". I replied:
I am just checking to see if you are going to post anything of substance, as you promised. To see if you are going to attack the knotty issues rather than continually anonymously snipe at the personal traits of those (or just ONE of those) that raise them. There's ten thousand guffawing tekkie mates out there waiting for the next little mousy taunt. Not to mention Dave Connolly.
Paul Barford

1 comment:

Paul Barford said...

Oh quelle surprise. Instead of posting my comment asking when he was going to get to the actual issues rather than continually post his personal attacks, Buffet does this:
Nie znaleziono strony
Niestety, strona szukana przez Ciebie w blogu Paul M Barford and Barfordisation nie istnieje.
in other words, he's edited the contents of his blog. Now what was that he called it when I did that? Buffy declines to play the "issues" game, he has one of his own, and its apparently nothing to do with conserving the archaeological resource.