Thursday, December 26, 2019

More Bazthugwittery: Brexit Isolationism Welcomed

The Cyclone of Change Posted on December 23, 2019 by "John Howland"
GREAT news [is] looming on the horizon for both the UK and its metal [sic] community now that our departure from the EU’s clutches takes effect from January 2020. But not everyone’s joyful. Simply cock an ear to the prevailing wind and you might just catch a faint, curious, grinding sound breezing in. What you’re hearing is archaeology’s loony left panic-stricken wing (and no, they’re not all locked up) wailing and gnashing their teeth at Boris Johnson’s Conservative landslide win in the General Election. Their policies to submit us to further EU bureaucracy and more anti-detecting/collecting legislation have all the permanency of a snowman in the Sahara.
It follows that our hobby/pastime will be rid of the EU’s unelected Commissioners who’ve previously tried, unsuccessfully, to outlaw the hobby. The bad news for our detectorist colleagues in Europe is that they are still yoked to authoritarian laws and diktats. One of these was a 1941 law passed in Nazi-occupied France and ‘interpreted’ decades later to restrict hobbyists – as a counter metal detecting’s growing popularity there. [...] Oh, for sure, the Cyclone of Change is a-blowin’. To my reader and follower….have a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and LUCRATIVE 2020.
British heritage policy always was aberrant in Europe, now the detectorists are isolated in a separatist regime, it remains to see what will happen.

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