Steve Taylor, pictured here a jobbing gardener from the Gloucestershire region apparently wants to be taken seriously as a knowledgeable local history hunter. He has been involved in collection-driven exploitation of the archaeological record for, he says, 30 years and is still very visible on a number of detecting forums. He also makes a lot of videos of fairly standardised format under the name 'DETECTINGFORGOLD'. The one below published on You Tube on 24th January 2016 ('Metal detecting for hidden history, uncovering a large Saxon/Celtic brooch') is typical of the ilk. Note the comments underneath, Mr Bluejelly remarks:
Just noticed a thumbs down dislike symbol , there are a few sad bastards around who hate anyone else finding nice objects and sharing them on You Tube. Can't understand why anyone would dislike metal detecting videos if they were a true hobbyist. Always a few retards in the hobby ! lol :The notion never seemed to occur to him that there might be a few heritage conscious individuals looking on who consider that collection driven exploitation of the archaeological record in the manner shown here is damaging to the public interest. Anyhow, Mr Taylor responds thus:
+MrBluejelly I do the video's for free, and you always get the faceless people who criticize you, for whatever reason. They never come out of the woodwork, to have a debate on line.Here below is the video, and then below it let us see what happens when people using their real name, not some screen pseudonym publish comments critical of the way metal detecting is depleting the archaeological record and the attitudes of metal detector users to comments.