Friday, March 19, 2010

Not just metal detectorists

A PAS-sponsored artefact hunting rally began in South Canewdon this weekend, and like years past Jimbo Blaggart, bagged a Roman grot in the first hour. “Artefact hunting is part of my life,” he said, as he waited for a FLO early Monday in his gumboots. “It’s my touch to the past.” But these days when Blaggart dons his cammo gear and picks up his trusty Explorer, he can’t help but think of all of artefact hunting’s current regulations and limits, and he fears for the future.“I'm worried about having legislation passed by different entities that want to stop artefact hunting,” Boggins said as he walked through the swampy woods of the 950 acre Woodstock Plantation, outside Canewdon. “I’m worried they will one day get rid of it altogether.”The lifelong artefact hunter now supports a ballot initiative in Essex to change legislation to ensure artefact hunters a permanent “right to hunt.” Blaggart says: “It will keep local entities from passing legislation that would stop us from having a place to go hunt.”That’s exactly what conservation groups say is the problem with the initiative. “We think there are so many better ways to enjoy the past than destroying a piece of it, “ said Hero Whitehat, a spokesperson for People for the Ethical Treatment of Archaeological Sites (PETAS), the main opposition to the initiative. “PETAS as an organization exists to remind people that there’s really no difference in abusing archaeological sites in Britain to them in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere else. When any of them are damaged for mere entertainment and profit, we all are the losers in exactly the same way.”It’s that kind of sentiment from PETAS, Heritage Action and other similar groups that have recently sent artefact hunters to collect signatures all across the country.In the last 15 years, “right to hunt” measures have passed in a number of counties including West Midlands, Merseyside, North Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, Isle of Wight, Norfolk, Wisconsin, Lancashire, and Devon (Rutland declared hunting a right in 1777 but now no longer exists).PETAS has opposed every single one. “If we're going to have the right to search and loot archaeological sites,” said Whitehat. “why not have the right to shop and golf? We're talking about making things that are legal, extra legal for no apparent reason.”Whitehat predicts these initiatives will only lead to frivolous lawsuits in the future. “If artefact hunters are going to open the flood gates like this, you're going to see them demanding better access to land, larger Treasure rewards, more liberal requirements regarding reporting. There's really no end to this”.Blaggart, climbing out of the hole he had just dug, called that “ridiculous,” stating responsible artefact hunters have a vested interest in restricting the damage to the archaeological heritage.“We want artefact hunting to be around forever, that’s all”.

Douglas Kennedy, "The Right to Hunt" Fox News March 19, 2010
Turkey season opened in South Carolina this week, and like years past James Earl Kennamer, bagged a bird the first day. “Hunting is part of my life,” he said, as he waited for a flock early Monday in Estill. “It’s my touch to nature.” But these days when Kennamer straps on his cammo pants and loads his double-barreled Zoli 12 gauge, he can’t help but think of all of hunting’s regulations and limits, and he fears for the future.“I'm worried about having legislation passed by different entities that want to stop hunting,” Kennamer said as he walked through the swampy woods of the 950 acre Woodstock Plantation, about 40 miles north of Savannah Georgia. “I’m worried they will one day get rid of hunting altogether.”The lifelong hunter now supports a ballot initiative in South Carolina to change the state constitution and give hunters a permanent “right to hunt.” Kennamer says “It will keep local entities from passing legislation that would stop us from having a place to go hunt.”That’s exactly what animal rights groups say is the problem with the initiative. “We think there are so many better ways to enjoy nature than killing a piece of it, “ said Ryan Huling a spokesperson for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the main opposition to the initiative in South Carolina. “PETA as an organization exists to remind people that there’s really no difference in abusing cats and dogs to abusing deer and fish. These animals all feel pain in exactly the same way.”It’s that kind of sentiment from PETA and other similar groups that have recently sent hunters to collect signatures all across the country. It’s that kind of sentiment from PETA and other similar groups that have recently sent hunters to collect signatures all across the country.In the last 15 years, “right to hunt” measures have passed in 9 states including Alabama, Minnesota, North Dakota, Virginia, Wisconsin, Louisiana, Montana, Georgia, and Oklahoma (Vermont declared hunting a right in 1777).PETA has opposed every single one. “If we're going to have the right to hunt and fish,” said Huling. “why not have the right to shop and golf? We're talking about making things that are legal, extra legal for no apparent reason.”Huling predicts these initiatives will only lead to frivolous lawsuits in the future. “If hunters are going to open the flood gates like this, you're going to see them demanding longer hunting seasons, larger bag counts, lower age limits. There's really no end to this.”Kennamer calls that “ridiculous,” stating hunters have a vested in interest in small bag counts and age limits. “We want hunting to be around forever, that’s all”

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Technique of Deflecting Criticism from Antiquity Collecting

Like a ten year old boy little Dave Welsh tries to shift the blame for the outbreak of controversy on an artefact-collecting discussion list onto me. He writes:
I am sorry Kerry Drew finds this tiresome - I do too. It's unpleasant to realize that many don't understand how such acrimony began and who is responsible. If Mr. Drew went back to the beginning of the thread he would find that it originated in a nasty attack by Barford upon the integrity of coin collectors and the numismatic trade. Mr. Barford is very provocative in what he says, especially the insulting manner in which he says it. I try to ignore his provocations, but at times they must be answered. I do my best to stick to facts and respond civilly.
There is a price for a list allowing Barford to participate - constant acrimony. If Kerry Drew does not like that, let him complain to the listowner. Meanwhile it's unfair to say "a plague on both your houses" without knowing where the acrimony originated. That's what Mr. Barford wants - and his real reason for doing this. Dave Welsh
The guy has a nerve. Since few onlookers will by now remember where the fracas began, let us look at the history of this as this. This is not just an exercise in putting the record straight. This thread is quite typical of the techniques used by metal detectorists to inflame discussion on archaeological and responsible collectors' lists. They do this so that list members cease to pay attention to any mention of "treasure hunting", "metal detecting", "artefact collecting" etc. in the fear that another 'flame' war will break out. As we can see, another aim is to provoke list owners into taking action against the person whose stand against irresponsible artefact hunting and collecting.

What happened:
1) I published two texts on my blog. MY blog. (There are about 800 texts there on various aspects of portable antiquities collecting and the justifications offered by collectors for what they do - most of which on closer examination can be found wanting)
I made a second post on the same topic just a bit later: (Note the "new study shows").

2) Dave Welsh (not me) pulled the entire text over to an external artefact discussion list. He does not give the URL allowing readers to see it in its context of the blog.

In his commentary he provocatively calls me a "liar" (though in fact the figures are perfectly verifiable if you follow back the links - to prevent which he deleted them from the original before posting it)

3) He did the same thing on Museum Security List. This one has an open archive and appears in Google searches.

4) back on Ancient Artifacts, I replied, giving the link he had omitted
(see also here )

5) Many people looked on and said nothing (as usual). Things like this lead me to conclude that the notion of fair play is very rare in artefact collecting circles. Nobody will stand up to bullies like Welsh. A couple of people (including at least one dealer) however gleefully joined in the happy slapping.

6) One list member stands up to Welsh (only one)

7) That person is then put down. This is why people do not want to stand up to bullies like Welsh on lists where they feel intimidated to step out of line. In the process Welsh attacks a third person (common tactic among detectorists too - to widen the conflict)

8) Not wanting to prolongue the thread on the discussion list (by this time a parallel discussion is going on with the moderator of Museum Security network too), I reply to that, again on my blog.
The person attacked also replies:

9) Welsh then "puts the record straight", once again attacking Elkins.

10) Kerry Drew, a collector from San Francisco says "enough"

11) Welsh replies as above.

List member Adrian White sums up Mr Welsh's tactics perfectly:

Once again radical anti archaeology lobbyist Dave is attempting to smear a respected archaeologist on this site. Scurrilous attacks by him and his fellow travellers are typical of the extreme controversial political lobby group he heads. He and his sycophantic apologists always use the same tactic: putting up a straw man (in this case the archaeological, scientific and curatorial community) and then hammer away at him with mendacious and mean spirited attacks, while at the same time spewing out long, pompous and extremely tedious posts attempting to justify the unjustifiable:- the continued looting of the world's ancient history for monetary gain. As to the amount of coins in tons which are shipped to greedy and uncaring collectors in the USA and elsewhere it doesn't matter whether the amount is 350k or 700k in looted coins, either figure is a scandal and a tragedy for the scientific study of ancient history.

This follows other such pearls of wisdom as for example "More Barfordian Bile" (15th Feb 2010)

His contribution under the name "Any support for a Barford-free group?" and so on.

Let us note that he initially wheedles "Mr. Barford is very provocative in what he says, especially the insulting manner in which he says it. I try to ignore his provocations, but at times they must be answered". The place for answering a post on my blog is a comment posted to the blog, not copying my post wholesale to a totally diffferent forum. Mr Welsh's motives for doing this are as clear as can be. Of course it would have sufficed to answer it in the format: "this message is an answer to Paul Barford's post at http://blogpost... Note though that he did not post any of this to HIS OWN Unidroit-L forum to "answer" it. That would not have the potential of creating the same amount of fuss, anyway its the Ancient Artifacts forum he wants me chucked off as he cannot control my posts there like he can on his own forum.

In reality, I think the problem is that Welsh realises that in the face of the sort of analysis of the pro-collecting arguments which the preservationists present, the arguments for the maintenance of the no-questions-asked nineteenth century model of artefact collecting are simply untenable and bankrupt. So instead of trying to further justify what Adrian White correctly identifiers as the "unjustifiable", Welsh simply attempts to silence the critics. Since he has elected not to attempt this by fair means, he feels justified in utilising the option of foul means.

But it's "not my fault Miss: Barford started it.... wahhhh!!!"